Monday, November 7, 2011

final draft

Places all over the world are over populated. Over population becomes a problem for the community itself which becomes a negative impact on the world. People who live in these inhumane areas will die faster. Without the proper health care system and organization they need it will become dangerous. Slums aren’t good for anybody to live in, they aren’t safe unlike a clean community that has no trash scattered around. “The houses are made of mud and very crowded. And the slum is very dirty, you can see”(source1). This quote explains how slums are not very sanitary and that they are very messy and are tightly compacted together.  There may be water that is polluted or that may have bacteria. If someone happens to drink form it then they might get very ill and die or get a disease.
     Places all over the world are over populated and when that increases so does the trash. Then neighborhoods and other areas start to get filthy.  The chances of picking up a disease or getting sick will increase with the high amount of trash being scattered everywhere. Air pollution will take its toll on the atmosphere as well. The trash will eventually decompose and ware away and go into the ground and into our water. “And you can smell. A few steps into Kibera, we encounter brown-green water flowing through an open ditch”. The water will then evaporate and it will rain and their goes pollution and it kills our planet slowly. “Today ,many large cities are ringed by urban slums and shantytowns within view of ,and contrast to, high-rise apartment buildings, commercial skyscrapers ,and dramatic architecture”(source2). This quote explains how population can affect the earth and the ones that live on it.
     A poor health care system is very bad for people. If a person starts to get sick and then that virus or disease starts to spread then the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) will have to step in and tackle the problem. “There are public and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways” (source3).  Bad sanitation will put people in grave danger. “It is likely that his or her new surroundings will include flimsy walls, disease and an enveloping stench of sewage and trash” (source4). The community needs someone to put things in order. They need to step in to help save the world we live on not throw it away and let it die.
     The slum houses are nothing but a piece of metal for a roof , dirt as a floor and left over cardboard pieces for walls. “Not all slums are equal”. “By the United Nations definitions, their residents are missing at least some of the following: durable walls, a secure lease or title, adequate living space, and access to safe drinking water and toilets”(source4).  People who don’t live in the slums they think it looks like a very awful place to live in. To some of the residents that live in there actually think that there house is a good place to live.
  Slums owners need to clean the community because if they this continues the situation is only going to get worse and worse. This should not be acceptable these living conditions are lethal. That’s why the community should keep there homes clean so they can prevent anything to happen.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Point 1

Places all over the world are over popluated and when there is an over populated area of people

then the trash gets over stashed.Then there begins a build up in the community and that just puts everything at

all risk for everyone things will be put at stake maybe even lives will be put on the line.Pollution starts to take

a hold of the atmoshpere and from there our world will no longer be able to give us

the nice and healthy pllace to live. We will be breathing in polluted air and that will hurt our respatory system

and may get sick.Then if people dont clean as usual then they may be in there own feces and medical

studys say that it is unhealthy for you to consume your own feces.

When their is someing at risk maybe your life then there is going to be a big problem. People might get sick

and if they have a weak immune system it will become easier for the body to grow more weak and give up.

The goverment will have to step in and take action but if they dont there is a big problem you will have a

poor health care system.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Places all over the world are over populated.then that becomes a problem for the community itself

that causes a negative impact on the world. People who live in these in humane areas will dies

fatser withouth the proper health care system they need. Slums arent good for anybody to live in

they arent saf and secure unlike a clean community that has no trash laying around everywhere.

There maybe water which causes other bacteria to grow which isnt safe at all not even for the little

ones that live there whos parents cant afford or move somewhere else.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Slums have a negative impact on humans through over-crowded living conditions, high pollution, and little

health care.