Thursday, October 27, 2011

Point 1

Places all over the world are over popluated and when there is an over populated area of people

then the trash gets over stashed.Then there begins a build up in the community and that just puts everything at

all risk for everyone things will be put at stake maybe even lives will be put on the line.Pollution starts to take

a hold of the atmoshpere and from there our world will no longer be able to give us

the nice and healthy pllace to live. We will be breathing in polluted air and that will hurt our respatory system

and may get sick.Then if people dont clean as usual then they may be in there own feces and medical

studys say that it is unhealthy for you to consume your own feces.

When their is someing at risk maybe your life then there is going to be a big problem. People might get sick

and if they have a weak immune system it will become easier for the body to grow more weak and give up.

The goverment will have to step in and take action but if they dont there is a big problem you will have a

poor health care system.

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